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Dec 29, 2021 Cheryl Cushman

9 Human Resources Solutions for Growing Businesses

9 Human Resources Solutions for Growing Businesses

Good news: Your small business is growing. Bad news: With that growth comes new HR-related issues you need to solve. Growing pains are a natural - if inconvenient - part of your business’s path to success.

You’ve worked hard to get your business to the next level. You’ve grown your reach and influence - maybe even spread your business over multiple states. You’ve developed a solid reputation with your customers and clients and expanded your team. These are all exciting developments, but they do come with a price, both literally and figuratively.

This post will dive into four of the most common HR struggles businesses face after explosive growth, but don’t worry: we won’t stop there. We’ll also go over some of the solutions available in today’s market to solve those challenges for you and your business.


HR Struggles for Growing Businesses

Your business is unique, but at its core, its success relies on the same thing as every organization: People. You know how important it is to make sure you’re building an effective team, bringing the right people into your business, and managing them correctly and efficiently. However, as your business grows from just a few core team members to a full-blown staff, you’re going to face some challenges regarding your human capital.

There are four main categories where most growing businesses struggle when it comes to human resource management. These categories are recruitment and retention, training and development, compliance, and benefits and compensation. Each of these categories is vital to a healthy, productive, and compliant team for your business. 

Related Read: 8 Ways To Successfully Manage Human Resources at Your Dental Practice

At ConnectPay, we know that many growing businesses need support for human resources and compensation. We offer our clients consistent support and advice on their payroll and tax processes. We also connect clients with outside experts where we aren’t as well-versed, making sure you always get the right information at the right time. To learn how ConnectPay can help you solve your HR issues, schedule a call today!

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Recruitment & Retention

Why is this a struggle?

Your business is growing fast. The staff you currently have are suddenly overwhelmed with the workload they’re being given, and you know you need to bring on new talent quickly. This is where the dilemma begins. If you bring on talent too fast, you may bring on the wrong people, which can cause problems with everything from overall team performance to company culture. On the flip side, if you take too long to get new team members in the door, your current staff might get burnt out and fed up with the overwhelming workload, and they may leave. In this example, we can see how intertwined recruitment and retention are for your growing business.

What are some available solutions?

There are several excellent recruitment tools on the market today. A few of our favorites are:

  • Yello is a tool that allows you to automate scheduling processes, interview applicants via video call, and more. This software also integrates with your HRIS software for an easy transition from applicant to a new hire.
  • Swipeclock lets you track time and attendance, PTO, and your hiring processes all in one. For recruitment, Swipeclock automates 90% of the hiring process, which gives your recruiting team more time to spend vetting and engaging with high-priority candidates.
  • HireVue offers software that helps you ensure an excellent cultural fit by incorporating organizational psychology to allow for interview analysis and pre-hiring assessments.
  • SmartRecruiters assists with everything from sourcing to applicant tracking to reference checks and background screenings.


Training & Development

Why is this a struggle?

As your staff grows, you’ll need a solid plan of action to get them up to speed quickly and effectively, but that’s not the only reason training and development are points of concern for growing businesses. As the scope of your business grows, many of your staff’s job duties will grow and shift as well. To keep your company on the leading edge of your industry, you will need to invest in regular training and professional development for your existing staff as well as new hires.

What are some available solutions?

Some of today’s top workplace training tools are:

  • Absorb LMS offers performance-driven learning paths for your employees and reporting tools to keep track of how your staff is doing with their training and development.
  • LearnUpon allows you to create and design custom training programs for staff at any level.
  • 360Learning offers a platform that excels in collaborative learning and gives your employees a real “classroom” experience in professional development.

ConnectPay’s HR Resource Center, available to all ConnectPay clients, also offers on-demand training courses for supervisors and employees. The resource center includes up-to-date compliance resources, an employee handbook builder, job description builders, and a live HR hotline where you can ask HR professionals HR & employment-related questions. What’s more, all that information is backed by attorneys.


Legal & Regulatory Compliance

Why is this a struggle?

If you want to stay in business, you know you need to follow all applicable laws and regulations for your industry, state, and locality. The struggle here is simply that this can be an awful lot to keep track of - and the consequences of dropping the ball somewhere can be expensive. Has your business expanded out of state? Now you may need to worry about multistate employer taxes. What does your sales volume look like across localities? This can cause hiccups, too, if you don’t know all the rules and regulations for payroll compliance.

What are some available solutions?

There are a few solutions to your compliance-related challenges. The first of which is to invest in a tool to attempt to manage this yourself. One such tool is offered by Dayforce. Dayforce offers a fairly robust tool to help you manage your HR compliance matters, but it can be a pricey investment, especially for a smaller business. 

Your other option is to partner with a company that specializes in payroll and tax compliance for small businesses. ConnectPay offers on-call advice from payroll specialists and has the tools to connect you with experts on the local laws and regulations that apply to your business.


Benefits & Compensation

Why is this a struggle?

In some ways, the struggle with benefits and compensation for growing companies is connected to the recruitment and retention bullet point above. To recruit and retain top talent in your industry, you need to make sure you’re offering competitive benefits and compensation packages. But as you know, this is easier said than done. Benefits, in particular, can be tricky to manage, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the options and costs associated with benefits packages and professional payroll services.

What are some available solutions?

Similar to the compliance section above, there are two paths you can follow regarding benefits solutions. The first solution is to manage your benefits in-house. If you choose this route, you will need to hire staff to handle your payroll and benefits-related needs and invest in a HIPAA-compliant software solution like Alight, which can help manage your ACA claims, deductions, and more.

Alternatively, you can work with a local broker who understands your exact needs. ConnectPay maintains a network of reputable health insurance brokers, and connecting our clients with the perfect broker for their business is our mission. Partnering with ConnectPay would let you feed two birds with one scone here, taking both your compliance and benefits-related woes off your plate.


HR Solutions You Need For Your Growing Business

Growth can be a challenge when it comes to human resources, but with the right tools and solutions in place, it doesn’t have to be. While no one software solution or partnership will work for every business, researching the available options to solve each of your specific challenges is a great place to start. 

ConnectPay specializes in payroll, tax know-how, benefits, and more. If any of these is the source of your human resources growing pains, we would love to show you how ConnectPay can take that burden off your shoulders. Schedule a call with us today to learn more!

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Published by Cheryl Cushman December 29, 2021